According to Greg Glemser, a graduate gemologist and one of the three co-owners of
Doylestown Gold Exchange & Jewelers, the customers who come into his shop with coin collections in tow almost always arrive with some variation of the same question: “What exactly do I have here?”
How Do You Know What Your Coin Collections Are Really Worth?

That’s a perfectly logical question to ask, and if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an old and potentially valuable coin collection yourself, you’ll probably understand why.
Part of the answer, of course, is that most of us simply don’t know a whole lot about the value of coins. (Seriously: How many hardcore coin collectors do you know?)
The rest of the answer has to do with the way in which coin collections tend to appear in people’s lives.
Nine times out of 10, if you’ve ended up with a collection that you didn’t assemble yourself, it was probably handed down to you from your parents, or your grandparents, or some other family member. Or perhaps it was something that came your way as part of an inheritance. Maybe you recently became the beneficiary of an estate, and you ended up with hundreds of old coins in the process?
You Want to Sell Your Rare Coins for Cash … But Who Can You Trust?
Of course, how you acquired your collection doesn’t really matter. The point is that most people who suddenly come into collectible coins don’t know how to accurately deduce what their collection is actually worth.
If that sounds like the situation you’re in — and assuming you want to unload those coins at their highest possible value — you’re probably more than a little concerned about finding a coin dealer you can actually trust. Again, there’s that question: “What exactly do I have here?”
In fact, to hear Greg Gemser tell it, customers with rare coins often call or show up at his shop with a second question:
“Where exactly should I take these coins?”
We May Be the Answer You’re Looking For
Those of us here at Doylestown Gold Exchange & Jewelers would like to think that we have the answers to both of those questions. Why? Because not only do
we buy coins, and not only do
we appraise and purchase coin collections. We’re also incredibly proud of our reputation for honesty, trustworthiness, accuracy and fairness. In our business, honestly is everything. So we take it seriously.
We love having potential customers walk through our door with a newly-acquired coin collection. No matter how jumbled or disorganized that collection may be, it’s always good fun to help them sift through their pile in search of rare gems.
Our main goal? That’s simple. It’s to make the process of searching through your coins one that’s enjoyable and stress-free. It’s also to give you the very best value possible for your coins.
We’ll Appraise Domestic and Foreign Coins
Unlike many other coin dealers, we frequently buy both Mexican and Canadian coins. And we’re always happy to check the value of any other foreign coins you may have acquired over the years.
Why are we so eager to look through your old coins? The truth is that valuable coins are everywhere; you never know what you might have laying around in your basement or attic at home.
Did you know, for instance, that a single dime from 1964 can be worth one dollar, or that a single quarter from the same year can be worth as much as three dollars?
You may have old coins in your home that contain silver, which always increases their face value significantly. Naturally, the same can always be said about old gold coins, especially given the value gold has risen to over the past decade or so.
Ultimately, Doylestown Gold Exchange & Jewelers is able to evaluate all coins, and to make you an offer that other dealers will find incredibly tough to beat. The process is simple and transparent. We first need to determine the content of your coins, at which point we can make an offer based on the day’s metal price. It’s not much more complicated than that.
Our Coin Appraisal Videos
If you’d like to learn a bit more before stopping by, spend a few minutes with the YouTube videos below. They explain the basics of the coin buying and coin appraising aspects of our business, and we hope they’ll give you at least some sense of the passion we have for both our business and our customers.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to
contact us at 215-345-6630. We’ll look forward to meeting you.