Frederic Duclos Jewelry
Doylestown Gold Exchange is excited to be carrying jewelry by Frederic Duclos, an award-winning French designer of contemporary silver jewelry. After meeting his partner, Karen, at the University of California, they began to create beautiful sterling jewelry. Their website currently offers a silver, rose gold, yellow gold and gemstone jewelry.
Frederic Duclos has been creating exquisite, fashionable sterling silver jewelry for 33 years, and always strives to create innovative concepts. He has been the recipient of numerous awards throughout his career, and has been featured in industry magazines, blogs and websites.
“As I design a piece of jewelry, I envision a woman wearing it. Her face, silhouette, and personality reflect the statement I am trying to achieve. My goal is to capture the fundamental qualities of a woman’s features, and complement them with refined embellishments. The best tribute I receive is when I meet a woman who is wearing one of my creations. I constantly strive to create beautiful objects for individual enjoyment.”
– Frederic Dulcos
Visit Doylestown Gold Exchange to see the wide selection of Frederic Dulcos’ jewelry line!